Easy Fruit Popsicles Recipe For Summer

What Other Fruits Can I Use?
While our recipe calls for strawberries and blueberries along with some orange juice, you can totally experiment and try different variations. Greek yogurt adds an extra element of creaminess while also giving it a healthy punch of protein.

You can easily switch up the fruits, whether you want something seasonal seasonal or just want to try different flavored popsicles. Watermelon, grapefruit, peaches, mango, pineapple, coconut, blackberries, cranberries, kiwi and even bananas are some great options to pick from.

How Long Can Popsicles Last in the Freezer?


▢1 ½ cup orange juice
▢¾ cups vanilla greek yogurt
▢1 ¼ cups strawberries
▢1 cup blueberries.


Place orange juice, yogurt, strawberries and blueberries in a high speed blender.
1 ½ cup orange juice,¾ cups vanilla greek yogurt,1 ¼ cups strawberries,1 cup blueberries
Blend until smooth, about 30 seconds to a minute.
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze until firm.

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