Don’t throw away the orange peels, put them in a jar and add a little vinegar: it’s worth gold in the house.

Orange peels
A jar

Prepare the Peels: After enjoying your oranges, save the peels and tear them into smaller pieces.

Combine with Vinegar: Place the orange peel pieces into a jar and pour enough vinegar over them to completely submerge the peels.

Let It Infuse: Seal the jar tightly and allow the mixture to sit and infuse for about 15 days. During this period, the orange peels will release their essential oils into the vinegar.

Strain and Store: After the infusion period, strain the liquid, removing the orange peel pieces. Transfer the infused vinegar into a spray bottle for easy application.

Using Your Orange Peel Vinegar Cleaner

This naturally derived solution is particularly effective on surfaces with tough grime, including stainless steel. The vinegar acts as a disinfectant and degreaser, while the orange peels contribute a delightful citrus aroma and additional cleaning power.

Why Choose This Method?

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