Dishwasher tablets can actually clean the oven – here’s how

Dishwasher tablets always surprise you because they can also be used for purposes other than cleaning your oven or washing dishes. Here’s what you can do with it to make your everyday life easier:

Remove washing machine smell
The washing machine can give off bad smells due to dirt, moisture or too much detergent . A lack of maintenance can also cause these smells, which are easy to prevent. To get around the problem, here is a very effective and simple trick based on dishwasher tabs:

Take two dishwasher tablets
Place them in the drum of your washing machine.
Run an empty wash cycle.
You can check out 6 more very effective tips to keep your washing machine clean at all times.

Make a baking pan like new
Cleaning a baking pan is not an easy task because sometimes food residue remains crusty. On the other hand, it can lose its shine due to wear and tear and frequent use . But the pellets will have their full effect here again. To use it, follow the steps below:

Fill the baking pan with hot water
Place a tablet in hot water
Allow the tablet to degrease the utensil overnight
Rinse the mold the next morning.
Get rid of sewer smells
Maintaining the pipes is an important reflex to avoid inconveniences that can be difficult to deal with. However, there is no need to resort to professional intervention in the event of odors that may come from the toilets, bathroom or kitchen. Follow the steps in this tip and you will be amazed by the deodorizing power of dishwashing tablets:

Insert a tablet into the siphon
Make sure to slowly pour in 1L of boiling water

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