Discover the Unexpected: Toilet Paper and Onion Tricks You Might Not Know

Simply cut strips of toilet paper, place tiny dots of flour paste evenly spaced along the strip, and press your seeds onto the dots. Roll gently, plant the strips in your garden, and cover with soil. The toilet paper will biodegrade, and your seeds will sprout perfectly spaced.

2. Fragrance Diffuser: Toilet paper rolls can also act as an air freshener in your bathroom or any storage area.

How to Use: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil inside the cardboard tube of your toilet paper roll. Each time the paper is used, the roll will spin and release a pleasant aroma into the room.

The Humble Onion: A Versatile Ally
1. Pain Reliever: Onions aren’t just for cooking—they can also be used as a natural remedy to soothe burns or stings.

Application: If you accidentally touch a hot pan or get a minor insect sting, you can apply a freshly cut onion to the affected area. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of onions help reduce pain and prevent blistering.

2. Rust Preventer: Onions can provide a surprising benefit in your garage or tool shed.

How to Use: Rub a cut onion over the surface of your iron tools. The juices create a barrier that helps prevent rust. This is especially useful in humid climates or during seasons when moisture levels are high.

Trying It Out

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