Discover a Simple Natural Remedy to Cleanse Your Blood Vessels with Lemon and Garlic

Making this remedy is straightforward, and the process is as gentle as its ingredients. Here’s a simple recipe:


1 garlic bulb

2 fresh lemons

1 liter of water


Start by peeling the garlic cloves and chopping them finely. This process helps to activate the allicin.

Wash the lemons thoroughly and cut them into slices, keeping the peel on to retain all the natural nutrients.

Place the chopped garlic and lemon slices into a blender, add some water, and blend until smooth.

Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add the rest of the water, and bring to a boil. Simmer for about 5 minutes, then let it cool.

Strain the mixture and store it in a glass bottle in the refrigerator.

Using the Remedy

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