Cockroaches at home? Remedies to get rid of cockroaches!

Start Home remedies Cockroaches at home? Remedies to get rid of cockroaches!

One of the most popular home remedies for cockroaches is using bay leaf to kill them. The aroma given off by this plant scares away cockroaches and, therefore, if you place it in your home you will keep these animals at bay.

You can choose to place bay leaves in the areas where cockroaches tend to accumulate (holes in the wood, garbage, etc.) so that the smell that is released acts as a repellent.

You can also choose to buy lavender and put it at home because, as with laurel, the smell that this plant gives off is not liked by these insects and will scare them away.

If what you want is to build a cockroach trap, you should know that using baking soda with sugar can be a very good option.

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