Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets the Easy Way!

I held my paper towel under the faucet and added a little bit a water until it was nice and damp. Step 3: Sprinkle Powder on Your Paper Towel

cleaning kitchen cabinets the easy way

Then, I scooped up some dishwashing powder and brought it on over to my paper towel.

cleaning kitchen cabinets the easy way

I sprinkled on just a bit of dishwashing powder — not even half a teaspoon is needed. Step 4: Wipe Your Dirty Surface

cleaning kitchen cabinets the easy way

Next, I got to work cleaning. I say work, but the coarse texture of the dishwashing powder did all the scrubbing for me. After a quick wipe, all I had to do was brush off some loose powder.

cleaning kitchen cabinets the easy way

Aaand that’s it! After this little trick, my cabinets were amazingly clean and there were signs of little messy monsters.

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