Cherry Cheesecake Lush

Peut être une image de fraise, cerises et gâteau

How long can I keep cheesecake in the refrigerator?
With proper storage, it can be kept in the refrigerator for three to four days. Even though the cookies soften over time, their taste remains the same!

Can different flavors of cake filling be used?
That’s right! You can use any 21-ounce pie filling with cherries, blueberries, strawberries, or apples and it will work just fine. Stay away from casts and other rough fillings.

Which pan size is best?
A 23 x 30 cm baking tray is ideal to achieve the desired thickness and layering. Works with all 8×12 to 9×13 frying pans.

Cherry pie filling, 1 and 1/3 cup size, required.
100 milliliters powdered sugar
1/3 cup pecans, chopped
73 cookies, or 3 and 1/3 cups, crushed from vanilla wafer cookies
2 cups (8 ounces) cold whipping cream, equal to 4 cups 1 cup melted butter, 2 stick butter, 2 cups milk, and soft cheese
Two servings, 3.4 ounces each pudding mix, vanilla, instant.

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