Burning laurel what is esotericism for?

Bay leaves are known to have many benefits, such as being calming and having anti-inflammatory properties.

Furthermore, as it is rich in minerals and vitamins such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, eugenol and cineole, it strengthens the immune system.

It can be used in drinks, soups or stews, or even burned to produce vapors that help you feel better.

Although it may seem strange, this practice can be more beneficial than harmful, so let’s explore why it can be beneficial for you.

Benefits of burning bay leaves at home
Bay leaves can be burned not only to aromatize the air, but also to improve respiratory health.

The expectorant qualities of the plant help clear congested airways and rid them of bacteria, while purifying the atmosphere and increasing mental capacity.

It is essential not to inhale the vapors directly, but rather to let them circulate around the room; People with headaches may find comfort in this herb due to its anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce their pain as well as any negative emotions.

Research has shown that this plant can be used to relieve headaches.

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