Build your own Cannabis Grow Room

The heat development with an HPS lamp is higher and you will need more free space around it than with an LED lamp. So the choice of grow light also plays a role in this. The supply of fresh air in the grow room and its removal is also something you have to think about. You will have to take several things into account, but if you do it right, you will only benefit from it. From germination to harvest.

Where are you going to build the grow room?
The location of your indoor grow could be an attic, basement, bedroom, shed, garage, wall closet, etc. Choosing the best grow room is up to you. Maintain a minimum surface area of 1 m2 and a minimum height of 1.80 meters.

It should not be too cold or too hot in the room for a successful cultivation. It is ideal if you can heat the room in which the grow room is located. This way you don’t have to heat the space yourself on colder days and nights.

Dry fresh air must be sucked in. It is easier to increase the humidity in the grow room than to decrease it. The extracted moist air should preferably not come out into the room where the suction comes from, in order to keep it as dry as possible. By taking this into account, you avoid laying meters of air hoses.
Build your grow room in a place where it is as inconspicuous as possible.
Think of:

A humming fan or extractor soon betrays a cannabis plantation. Do not mount them on a neighbor’s wall. They may run very quietly, but there is a chance that vibrations from vibrations on the other side can be heard.
This is how most places are discovered. Use carbon filters in the cannabis grow room. If you are working in your growroom and the space is open, keep in mind that odor spreads quickly in the surrounding space(s).
Grow lights for weed provide a lot of light. When the weed grow room is open to take care of the plants, the space around it is also illuminated with the characteristic light. Therefore, make sure that your hutch is light-tight when closed, so that no light shines outside that can be seen through a window or under a crack in the door.

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Advantages and disadvantages of different locations
In the attic, the biggest problem is the temperature. In the summer it can get tropically warm, while in the winter it can be icy cold. A solution may be to reverse the day and night rhythm. At the low temperature at night you have the heat from the lamp instead of during the day when it is already warm in the attic. If you have electricity costs with a nightly rate, you also benefit from this.

If you have solar panels, it is best not to do this. Another disadvantage is that you cannot water the plants during the day and do the maintenance of your plants. Because then you disturb their sleep. At night everything is quiet.
If you leave the grow lamp on, the fan will also run and the extraction will run at full power. These sounds are more audible at night than during the day. Keep this in mind.
Attics are often not high. The sloping roof can also be a problem. In some places the roof may be too low. You then do not have enough space to hang a lamp at a sufficient distance above the plant.

A dry, not too cold cellar is probably the most ideal growing space. You can usually work unobtrusively and undisturbed in it.
Due to the underground insulated location, the temperature is easy to control. You do not have to deal with large temperature differences at night and during the day. both in summer and in winter you have a fairly stable temperature in a cellar.

A basement is usually light-tight and therefore you hardly have any light nuisance.
The supply and exhaust of the air in the grow room can sometimes be a problem in a cellar. The humidity under the ground is often on the high side. Therefore try to place the supply and drainage outside the basement. Then you don’t grow cannabis with too high humidity.

LED lamps give less heat. If you want to grow with this in a cellar, it is advisable to heat the room a few degrees.

Suzy’s tip:

Basement floors are cold. Therefore, always make a substrate of thick tempex or other insulation boards for your grow room. If necessary, place a heat mat. This prevents the roots from getting too cold, which is a disadvantage for the cultivation.

If you are in the fortunate position of having an extra room at your disposal, this is a good place to set up a small cannabis grow room. The temperature can be regulated well with the central heating. On hot days it is easier to keep a small space cool. If necessary, cool the room with an air conditioner or air cooler.

The supply and disposal in these areas are also easy. In a well-conditioned climate outside the breeding loft, it can be sucked in immediately. The drain can be led to a window in the tilt position. Some windows have ventilation grilles, ideal for mounting your drain hose.

Barn and garage
Here too you can go about your business undisturbed and unobtrusively. To get water and electricity at this place is usually no problem. Because a garage door is a short way to the outside world, this is a point of attention. Especially if it is located on a public road.

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