Boiling Eggshells: Saving Money and the Environment

Eggshells, primarily composed of calcium carbonate, are more than just waste. This valuable compound, also found in antacid medications, serves as a remarkable source of calcium. By boiling eggshells, you can extract this essential mineral, offering a natural and budget-friendly calcium supplement. This is particularly beneficial for supporting bone health, especially crucial as we age.

How to Reuse Eggshells Effectively

Transforming eggshells into a beneficial calcium supplement is straightforward and rewarding. Follow these easy steps to harness the full potential of your eggshells:

Collect and Clean: Rinse and thoroughly dry your eggshells after use.

Crush the Shells: Utilize a mortar and pestle or a food processor to crush the shells into smaller pieces.

Boil: Cover the crushed shells with water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10-15 minutes to extract the calcium.

Strain and Cool: Remove any shell remnants by straining, then let the calcium-infused liquid cool.

Enjoy: Store the liquid in a clean jar or bottle. Incorporate a tablespoon of this homemade calcium supplement into your daily diet, either directly or mixed into drinks and meals.

Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices

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