Apply a little toothpaste on the kitchen knife: the butcher’s tip!

Apply a little toothpaste on the kitchen knife: the butcher’s tip!

Did you know that you can achieve unimaginable results with a little toothpaste on your knife? That’s right, we’re talking about the butcher’s trick to solve a problem, let’s find out which one!

Toothpaste is a product that we generally use to brush our teeth and keep them clean and healthy. Brushing your teeth regularly with this toothpaste, available in different consistencies and flavours, is essential for having white, well-groomed teeth and keeping cavities and various infections away.

However, many people do not know that toothpaste can also be used for other very useful purposes. For example, in addition to oral hygiene, this product is useful for many household jobs, but butchers also use it to sharpen knives. Let’s discover many ways to use toothpaste!

Clean the steel with toothpaste

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