An old trick that eliminates flies and cockroaches from the house

Against Mosquitoes: Lemon balm, lemon thyme, small-leaved basil, and Dalmatian pyrethrum.

Against Flies: Tuberous chervil, basil, and warbler mint.

Against Cockroaches: Bay leaves (strategically placed).

Proactive Measures to Deter Insects:

To prevent or reduce insect invasions, consider the following:

Store food in airtight containers.

Keep your kitchen clean, especially after meals.

Remove food remnants and crumbs promptly.

Ensure the trash can is closed and emptied regularly.

Wash dishes immediately after eating.

Don’t leave out standing water in dishes.

Maintain clean cooking areas and appliances.

Repair water leaks as soon as they appear.

Clean and ventilate your home often, including air vents.


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