Air Fryer Cream Puffs

Nutriton info

Calories: 4372
Fat: 291g
Saturated Fat: 174g
Cholesterol: 1645mg
Sodium: 1080mg
Carbohydrates: 209g
Protein: 49g
Per Cream Puff (1 of 8):
Calories: 546
Fat: 36g
Saturated Fat: 22g
Cholesterol: 206mg
Sodium: 135mg
Carbohydrates: 26g
Protein: 6g.


This is an estimate and nutritional values can vary based on specific brands and measurements used.
Additional toppings like powdered sugar or melted chocolate will increase the calorie count and other nutritional values accordingly.
For a more precise calculation, consider using a nutrition calculator with the exact brands and amounts you use.

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