Put salt in the washing machine detergent, grandma’s trick: this happens to your clothes

Do you know the trick about adding coarse salt to the detergent in the washing machine? Our grandmothers used it to have perfectly clean and very soft clothes. Since it is also an economical and natural ingredient, add it too and you will see the results.

The trick of using coarse salt to put in the washing machine was widely used in the past and is now back in vogue because it is also effective and easy to carry out , especially for those who are new to this domestic activity.

In fact, coarse salt is an easy-to-find ingredient and anyone can use it without being an expert and obtain excellent results. Both in the washing machine, but also by hand, it proves to be a product capable of ensuring excellent results in a short time.

Since it is natural, it does not cause damage to fabrics and it can be used for any type of garment, even if delicate, without risks. Unlike bleach, it stains and whitens without ruining even the finest fabrics and it only takes a few minutes to make the garments look like new again. Let’s find out how to use salt in the washing machine and also by hand!

Coarse salt for very white items

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