The taco pasta epitomizes all the features that a weeknight meal should have. The paste requires minimal clean-up and is fast, kid-friendly, healthy, packed with protein, and full of flavor! I put a survey out there to you guys on Facebook (psst you can still take the survey if you want!) about the kind of posts that would be most helpful to you, and “kid-friendly, fast, and healthy” was the message I got. It helps so much to know what you want! The thing is, I am totally cooking meals like this every week, but they seemed too simple to blog about. However, it’s what works for us, so I am hoping it will help you too.

We’ve been putting down new floors in our Master bedroom. I say “we” liberally. Mostly my husband and my Dad. I’ve been really handy and carried out flooring boxes and wiped up caulk and stuff. I can’t wait to show you the finished product. We ripped up our carpet to help with my allergies. I’ve had migraines since we’ve moved into this house. I just assumed it was from the dust, but after a year of allergy shots, we started to wonder.

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