7 Clove Tips Every WomenSh ould Know

By infusing 4 or 5 cloves in a large cup of
boiling water for about ten minutes, you can obtain a useful drink to combat various digestive problems,
particularly stomach aches and bloating.

This clove infusion is easy to prepare and can be
consumed regularly to relieve digestive disorders.

Against bad breath
If you happen to have a bad odor in your mouth after meals, sucking on a clove may help.

This spice is known to help freshen breath, in addition to providing dental health benefits.

Indeed, clove is often used in toothpastes and
mouthwashes for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

By sucking a clove after each meal, you can
help prevent dental problems and keep your breath fresh throughout the day.

It relieves dental pain

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