7 amazing things you can do if you have rosemary sprigs at home

If your hair tends to be oily, rosemary can be your ally. Prepare an infusion with the twigs and use it to rinse your hair after washing. Rosemary helps regulate sebum production on the scalp, keeping hair fresh and clean for longer.

3. Against mosquitoes:
The aroma of rosemary is unpleasant to mosquitoes and other flying insects. Place sprigs of rosemary in outdoor areas where you usually spend time, such as the garden or balcony, to keep these annoying insects at bay.
4. Against the smell of sweat:
Rosemary has antibacterial and natural deodorant properties, which makes it an excellent option to combat the smell of sweat that remains impregnated in your clothes.

In a bucket with warm water, put a few sprigs of rosemary. Then put the clothes that smell like sweat and let them soak for about 30 minutes. After this time, rinse them well and wash them as usual.

5. Insect repellent:
In addition to mosquitoes, rosemary also repels other insects and pests in the home, such as ants and moths. Place sprigs of rosemary in the places where these insects usually appear to keep them away naturally.
6. For minor wounds and cuts:
Rosemary has antiseptic and healing properties that make it useful for treating minor wounds and cuts. Prepare an infusion with the twigs and use it to clean wounds and accelerate their healing process.

7. Prepare flavored salt:

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