6 tips to keep mosquitoes out of the house: They don’t dare go back

Mosquitoes don’t like the smell of lemon, let alone vinegar . Their intense smell is an infallible insect repellent, so imagine the combination of the two ingredients. Guaranteed to get rid of them in no time! Cut a few lemon slices, moisten them with vinegar and place them in vases or on the windowsill. Alternatively, you can make a mixture of these two ingredients and spray it on plants and window frames. You will be amazed by the results!
After all, even the scent of eucalyptus leaves immediately drives away mosquitoes and other annoying insects. Simply burn a few herbs and let the smoke spread throughout the house. You will definitely get rid of it! You can also prepare a decoction of eucalyptus leaves: the scent of steam will effectively protect your home from insects.

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