5 Tricks to cook tripe without smell

The truth is that you can prepare delicious dishes with it, which is why it is important that we know how to cook it. Before using it for a certain preparation, we must boil the tripe no matter what. But the question is how to boil tripe without smell?

It is key to let it boil for approximately 2 hours , only in this way will we be able to soften it. Now, the truth is that imagining 2 hours of a smell as penetrating as the one that comes from our kitchen can discourage us a little. But don’t worry, how to boil tripe without an unpleasant smell is very simple.

How to clean tripe
First of all, it is essential to wash it well to remove any kind of impurity. It is key that when you go to choose it, you try to select one that is not very large and that does not have any yellowish or greenish spots (it must be completely white).

Once we wash it with cold water, try to brush it as much as possible so as not to leave any kind of residue . Then we must defat it, this can be done before boiling it or once it is already cooked. In my case I prefer to do it once it is ready because it is easier for me.

Knowing these tricks are part of the secrets to boiling tripe and being successful when preparing it, which will undoubtedly make this task easier for yo

As I was mentioning before, a good wash of the tripe is essential to finish removing any residue it may have. To make a deeper wash, you should brush it with lemon juice . Lemon has antibacterial properties that will help kill bacteria that cause odor.

How to soften tripe with baking soda
We all know the power of this wonderful magic powder to suppress certain odors and this will be no exception. Boiling the tripe with baking soda will give us the solution to the bad smell we were looking for.

You should calculate 3 to 4 tablespoons per liter of water, this will be the most economical and easiest to use “remedy” against odor. In addition, it will not only suppress any type of odor, it will also help cook the tripe to soften it.

Lemon and Orange
Both lemon and orange are powerful odor neutralizers, as they are antibacterial and disinfectant, they can eliminate any undesirable bacteria that the meat has.

We simply have to add a few slices of lemon or orange to the pot along with the tripe and we will have our problem solved. Many use the combination of these citrus fruits and a few tablespoons of baking soda to completely eliminate the odor.

White vinegar

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