4 things that happen when you burn bay leaves at home

Bay leaves are recognized for their relaxing effects, anti-inflammatory properties, and ability to strengthen the immune system thanks to the minerals and vitamins they contain. These include iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, eugenol, and cineole, among others.

While bay leaves are commonly consumed in beverages, soups, or stews, another way to benefit from them is by burning the dried leaves. This releases vapors that can help us feel better.

Advantages of Burning Bay Leaves at Home
Burning bay leaves to scent the environment can improve respiratory health. Thanks to the plant’s expectorant properties, the vapors released when burning the leaves can help cleanse the airways, eliminate bacteria, purify the environment, and even improve brain function. However, the vapors from the burned leaves should not be inhaled directly but allowed to disperse into the environment.

For those suffering from headaches, bay leaves can be beneficial due to their anti-inflammatory properties, which help combat the problem and alleviate discomfort caused by bad moods. Several studies endorse the use of this plant for treating headaches.

Bay Leaf Infusion

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