2 ingredients will be enough to clean and make pans burned on the outside shine

To eliminate grease deposits and burns on the bottom of pots and pans, it is good to use a natural and economical method . The oil used to cook and prepare first and second courses, as well as sauces and garnishes, tends to thicken and become encrusted. Often, for reasons of time, all the dishes and pots and pans are put in the dishwasher to eliminate all the scale and burns.

In fact, it is not the absolute best solution for removing grease and scale from pots and pans. The dishwasher is an appliance that consumes electricity and water resources. The energy consumption of this device exceeds 4200 kWh per year . With expensive energy bills, it is good to be careful and pay close attention to consumption.

Eliminates grease and burns from pots and pans: it is good to mix these two ingredients
To eliminate burns from pots and pans, it is better to use ecological and economical solutions: baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Simply mix these two ingredients to eliminate burns: it is always good to avoid using agents that have too aggressive corrosive power. It is good advice to wash by hand and use warm water. Simply mix some baking soda in a bowl with some hydrogen peroxide.

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